Accelerated kettle souring and friendly bacteria for a tart smack.
How we make it slightly sour
Most sours are brewed the traditional way, with wooden barrels and lots of time. But Wild Little Thing is made using a technique called accelerated “kettle souring.” First, we make wort (unfermented beer) without any hops.

Then we boil it, cool it and add lactobacillus, the same friendly bacteria you know from yogurt or sauerkraut. Lactobacillus turns sugar into lactic acid. Voila! Now we’re sour. We blend this special wort (roughly 10%) back into Wild Little Thing’s total wort to achieve its tartness.
Go deeper: What is sour beer?

Then we boil it, cool it and add lactobacillus, the same friendly bacteria you know from yogurt or sauerkraut. Lactobacillus turns sugar into lactic acid. Voila! Now we’re sour. We blend this special wort (roughly 10%) back into Wild Little Thing’s total wort to achieve its tartness.
Go deeper: What is sour beer?