What is Hard Kombucha?

Kombucha starts with tea leaves and water, but it’s no mellow cup of herbs. Through a fermentation frenzy—a thrashing culture of bacteria and yeast—kombucha emerges bright and bubbly, winning taste buds with a refreshing tang. Strainge Beast Hard Kombucha takes an extra step: a second round of fermentation creates alcohol, adding even more depth to an enchanting brew.

Our Brewing Process

With abundant care and quick reflexes—gotta dodge those snapping teeth—we craft each hard kombucha over 2-3 weeks.


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Our Fermentation Frenzy

Hard kombucha, like regular kombucha, builds upon the SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria & Yeast), which lays the tart, sweet groundwork for additional ingredients. The bacteria and yeast are symbiotic, a tag-team working together during the first round of fermentation to transform sugar into alcohol, then turn that alcohol into natural, tangy acids. (It’s secondary fermentation that brings alcohol back into the mix!) After exploring numerous cultures, we discovered the perfect SCOBY, and it’s exclusive to Strainge Beast. No one unlocks this frenzy but us, and its aromas, flavors, and balance are unmatched.


Stroll the aisles of a farmers market, and most every basket or bundle on display can inspire hard kombucha. Clever combinations of lush fruits, punchy spices, and fragrant herbs can summon altogether new flavors—can stir up something Strainge. And it matters where the ingredients start. (It’s everything, really.) Our Oregon Tilth organic certification links Strainge Beast hard kombucha with passionate growers dedicated to quality, sustainable food. Only the best conjures a Beast.


Let us tell you a story about kombucha. Because that’s all there is: a story. With no exact roots, kombucha is often traced to Asia where, thousands of years ago, one popular legend describes alchemists brewing a “tea of immortality” for Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang. This mystery elixir found its way across continents and down generations, with recipes and starter cultures (the frenzy!) passed along like sourdough bread. Kombucha might feel like a new wave, but it’s woven deeply into history.


You see them sway and snap—these Strainge Beasts are alive. Our Strainge Beast hard kombucha contains the bacteria and yeast from the brewing process, and those cultures ensure the taste stays at its prime.


These tiny guardians of flavor love the cold; keeping Strainge Beast refrigerated maintains the kombucha’s delicious balance. So look for it behind the cooler doors at your favorite store.

A can of Strainge Beast pierced with a watermelon skewer



Frequently Asked Questions

We brew Strainge Beast with a blend of organic green and black tea, so one 12-ounce can amounts to the caffeine in a standard cup of black tea.

Strainge Beast Hard Kombuchas (not our Fermented Cocktails) are raw and unpasteurized, so they must be kept cold at all times (33–49º F). Unlike some kombuchas, Strainge Beast is never pasteurized, doesn’t contain probiotic additives, and therefore isn’t “shelf stable” (i.e., stored warm). We believe this is at the heart of authentic kombucha-brewing practices.


Strainge Beast Fermented Cocktails are pasteurized to provide stability as well as lock in the flavor profile. These can be stored at room temperature, but we recommend cold storage for optimal flavor.

Hard kombucha takes an extra step: a second round of fermentation to bring alcohol back into the mix, adding even more depth to an enchanting brew.

We brew Strainge Beast using all gluten-free ingredients, and our quality control team has tested and confirmed its gluten-free status.

Within Strainge Beast there are hard kombuchas and fermented cocktails. Our hard kombuchas are fully organic, exclusively using ingredients certified organic by Oregon Tilth. Our fermented cocktails contain 95%+ organic ingredients — a vast majority, but not enough to certify them organic. All Strainge Beast styles are also Gluten Free and Vegan Friendly. 

Yes, Strainge Beast is vegan friendly!

Kombucha starts with tea leaves and water, but it’s no mellow cup of herbs. By adding a mixed culture of bacteria and yeast—launching a fermentation frenzy—kombucha emerges bright and bubbly, winning taste buds with a refreshing tang.

150 days from the canning date, found on the bottom of each can.


We brew Strainge Beast with a blend of organic green and black tea, so one 12-ounce can amounts to the caffeine in a standard cup of black tea.

Strainge Beast Hard Kombuchas (not our Fermented Cocktails) are raw and unpasteurized, so they must be kept cold at all times (33–49º F). Unlike some kombuchas, Strainge Beast is never pasteurized, doesn’t contain probiotic additives, and therefore isn’t “shelf stable” (i.e., stored warm). We believe this is at the heart of authentic kombucha-brewing practices.


Strainge Beast Fermented Cocktails are pasteurized to provide stability as well as lock in the flavor profile. These can be stored at room temperature, but we recommend cold storage for optimal flavor.

Hard kombucha takes an extra step: a second round of fermentation to bring alcohol back into the mix, adding even more depth to an enchanting brew.

We brew Strainge Beast using all gluten-free ingredients, and our quality control team has tested and confirmed its gluten-free status.

Within Strainge Beast there are hard kombuchas and fermented cocktails. Our hard kombuchas are fully organic, exclusively using ingredients certified organic by Oregon Tilth. Our fermented cocktails contain 95%+ organic ingredients — a vast majority, but not enough to certify them organic. All Strainge Beast styles are also Gluten Free and Vegan Friendly. 

Yes, Strainge Beast is vegan friendly!

Kombucha starts with tea leaves and water, but it’s no mellow cup of herbs. By adding a mixed culture of bacteria and yeast—launching a fermentation frenzy—kombucha emerges bright and bubbly, winning taste buds with a refreshing tang.

150 days from the canning date, found on the bottom of each can.