Trails Day Recap

Published on July 24th 2019 by SNBC

American Hiking Society (AHS) had an ambitious goal: set a world record on National Trails Day® for the most people participating in trail restoration in a single day.

We rallied our employees and community, and on Saturday, June 1, we were part of history! Our efforts wrapped into the record-setting numbers nationwide:

41,424 = people who improved trails in a single day, National Trails Day®
1,164 = registered National Trails Day® events on AHS website
869 = miles built or maintained on National Trails Day®
$2,585,108 = value of volunteer labor on National Trails Day®

Here’s a look at several of the 19 trail projects our teammates joined, working alongside more than 1,000 total volunteers.

Chico, CA

Upper Park – 25 volunteers completely removed/restored a fall line that people have been using as a trail, which created serious erosion. We also installed fencing to deter future use of this old trail.

Lower Park – 17 volunteers removed weeds and cleared brush around the Caper Acres children’s park. They also went on litter patrol walks along Lower Park’s less traveled paths.

Mills River, NC

DuPont National Forest – 24 volunteers worked with Friends of DuPont on Pitch Pine Trail—a trail open to hikers, mountain bikers, and horseback riding—to clean or rebuild about 40 drains and clear an entire corridor of vegetation.

Max Patch, Appalachian Trail in Pisgah National Forest – More than 100 volunteers worked with Carolina Mountain Club and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy to restore sections of the Appalachian Trail “loved to death” by visitors of the popular scenic bald, Max Patch.

Charlotte, NC

Cleanups at Goat Island and at Crowders Mountain with 70 volunteers.

Atlanta, GA

5 trail cleanups (Elachee Nature Center, Kennesaw Mountain, Atlanta Beltline, Big Creek, and Vickery Creek) with 210 volunteers.

Colorado Springs, CO

Trail cleanup in conjunction with Campout for a Cause.

Washington, DC

Cleanup on Roosevelt Island with 35 volunteers.

Sacramento, CA

Trail cleanup hosted by the Sacramento Kings with 30 volunteers at American River Parkway Trails.

San Francisco, CA

Trail cleanup hosted by REI and the East Bay Regional Parks Department with 65 volunteers.

Los Angeles, CA

Trail stewardship project organized by Ojai Land Conservancy and REI with 80 volunteers.

New York City, NY

Two projects with 310 total volunteers: a hike and cleanup on the Staten Island Greenbelt, and a Long Path Trail hike and cleanup.

Knoxville, TN

Cleanup alongside Smoky Mountains Hiking Club with 40 volunteers.

Save the Date for next year’s National Trails Day: Saturday, June 6, 2020

Take Back Our Trails



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